I am Lost
Waiting for PK Thurs night I was at Kisea's and watched a few eposides of Lost Season 2. Well that only managed to confuse me on what was going on. Thus, I borrowed Kisea's season 1 and am currently watching it. So far I have made it though the first 3eps. Not a bad show- I will have to keep watching it. Before I started Lost I watched Batman Begins. Someone finally got it right. Very good movie that if you haven't seen it you should. Hopefully they will make a second one from it. Before all my movie watching I was very productive this weekend. Did all my reading and written homework for 518 and 527. I have a 9pm meeting with my cliet for 527 because the only time he can is after 8:30. That makes my day tomorrow go from 9am-ish to 10pm or after. I am gunna hate meeting with the group that late. Will be so glad when this semester and 527 are over. Well, getting back to Lost.
First Meeting
Well I went to the my first meeting of ACM. It was intersting. I know that a lot of things have changed lately and thus the chaos. I do think that there should be a limit on the number of words certian people can say. And if those people are saying stupid stuff that to me seemed to go agaist certain aspects of the meetings, they can be hushed by any means necessary. I will be glad when they get some good officers in, namely Kisea. Got my vote!Ouside of that- on my desk this morning was a women's phone number wanting a website. I called her a few times before I got her. I have to meet her way over in Theodore at 10:30am on Friday to talk about it. Kinda annoys me that I have to drive all the way over there. While on the phone I got directions from her to the model home we are to meet at. I love how people give directions are Mach I speeds and expect people to write them down. Knowing this I get the address and try to Google it and MapQuest it. Neither place knew the address so now I have to call her again to get new messages. Homework is also getting more. I had several things to do in Cryptology, finished up whats due in 518, putting off some homework in 527 till the weekend, and have to read the rest of a thesis and write a biography for it. But don't want to. In other news, brought another over to the good side, Gmail. Jarred asked for an invite so now he is part of the Google force.Well thats is about it for now. Till the next time we cross paths....
Late Night Movie
I went with Kisea and Cbot to see Underworld: Evolution and personally thought it was an ok movie, not great but ok. They disagreed with a thumbs down. Some parts were pretty worthless or highly predictable (would elaborate but don't want to ruin things for those who might go see it). They left shortly after the movie cause Cbot was exhausted (waking up at 5am for work is just nuts). I stayed a bit longer talking to Matt while watching some employees climbing this tall ladder to change light bulbs above the concession stand. It shook on the climb up and down, not to mention that I think it could have buckled at any time. Nope, you still would not get me up it if I worked there for the little amount of money I am sure they pay non-position people. On another note, my laptop has been giving me a odd wireless network connection message. It keeps telling me I have a limited connection and won't let me access the Net. Irritates me that it hasn't been working for 2 nights now. Will have to look at it tomorrow. Well I am going to wrap this post up. Till the next round....
TV Bullcrap
Ok, so Kisea lets me know House is coming on Fox at 8pm. Great! Thats a great show that needs to come on more than it does. Thank goodness that it comes on Fox and USA, new ones on Fox and reruns on USA.
I had to go to the store to help with a few things and then rushed people out so I could get home by 8pm. I get home a little before 8 and get things setup- some grub, right channel, etc.
And what do I see- freakin American Idol! Who wants to watch stupid people on reality TV? Reality TV is the downfall of American television! Its on every station now, even the scientific and history channels. And not only is it just on in general but it takes time slots of good TV.
American is being duped by "reality" TV as well. We all know its like wrestling and complete made up as well. The sad part is I think most people know it is made up but still watch out of stupidity.
Well thats my rant on reality TV.
Long Day
Well today has been a very long day. Got up around 4:45am, on the road at 5:30, in the woods all day, and didn't get home till about 5:00pm. The wind today was strong. I could not hear a thing so the deer and dogs would be almost on top of me before I knew it. I did see 2 does; couldn't shoot them though. I was standing by a creek and the deer crossed on the other side. When I through the safety off, they froze. By then I found out that they were does and couldn't shoot them. I yelled "boo" and away they went. Four - five minutes later the dogs made it to me. I had the lovely pleasure to cross the creek 4 times trying to catch them only to get none when they scattered like quail. In other news, I was glad I am back in the PF routine. Missed not being able to go and hang out with the crew. Good times indeed. Had some good pizza and some good beer- though the waitress was a little slow on the latter's refill.I have so much homework from SE and Cryptology. Must make sure to do it sometime this long weekend. A weekend I need, though I wish it was later and would do some real good. O well, till next time.
The Semester Start
Well I have now had every class I am taking this semester. I started out with 518- its gunna be interesting with prob lots of writing- especially with only 4 people in the class. Next, I had MA 490- Cryptology. So far its seems like a cool class, I am looking forward to it. I wrapped up the night with 527. Its with Zhou and I hate it. Got in there and who did I see, Cbot. Thought cool, I know someone thats a good student and all the stuff that goes with that, get her in my group, etc. Find out the bad news today that she dropped and has thus left me in hell by myself (well 5 total now but still no Cbot that I know). I am sure I will be posting a lot about my extreme hatred for that class. Then had my GY class on Tuesday, its gunna be cool too (thanks Kisea for the heads up on it).In other news, I missed the CTS open house. Kisea said it was nice and even that Matt and Cbot have tech interviews. I will definitely have to check it out when I grad (or maybe before). I was listening to Diagle scare our class to death with all the stuff we have to do for a masters. I was sitting there thinking "What did I get myself into." Hopefully I will survive, I refuse to quit and to make it. Not sure now if I want the thesis or project track. I live the idea that I wrote a thesis but not sure that I want to do will merit one and does not just qualify for a project. Good thing is both would let me get a Ph.D if I wanted to down the road.Well I guess thats about it. Till something new comes up.
Good Games, Good Food and More
Well most people (well those that watch football) know how the games turned out even if they didn't watch them. If you didn't you missed some good football with the SC/Texas and Penn St./FL St. Very intense games that should show people just how good college football is.
For the other part of this blogs post, we just got back for Olive Garden. I had this new dish with stuffed shells with shrimp. Its limited time and very good, highly recommend it to anyone who likes Italian.
I was offered a grading job for 230 by Doran for Denton. I like both professors and the pay would be nice is minimum wage but not sure if I will have the time with 6 grad hours and 10 undergrad. If I don't do it, I would like someone in there that will actually grade the stuff and grade it like I and others have been graded in the past. I think Espen graded my stuff in 320- and I know he is not overly easy on people. Had Ward for OS and we all know how he grades, as it should be.
In other news, I think I have descided I wanted the Walther PPK/S in the two-tone (thanks Kisea for the input). Now I just have to find one to look at to make sure. It sucks to want something and no one have it in stock due to it being the beginning of a year. Because they count inventory and because they don't want to have to count large amounts of things let said inventory go. Just will have to wait for about a week or more to see some things.
I have not gotton usted to this blog yet, have to remember to post more often.
Found the pay, its about minimum wage, so not so nice.
A Brand New Year
Well is a new year, 2006. It flew by thats for sure. As Kisea talked about for his New Year's Day meal, I also had some black-eyed peas with "hog jawl". Hopefully I will have some good luck this year, bout time I had some.Its been a while since I posted even though I have read most everone else's blog over the period of non-posting. I have been watching a lot of movies lately, from all locations. DVDs, computer, TV have all been visited. If not there I have been with family and friends which is always good.I went hunting yesterday for the first time in over a month. With the Dippin' Dots opening we have been busy every Saturday. Heard a great race yesterday morning, all the dogs merged on a group of does. I didn't seen anything but at least it sounded good. It was Family Day so they had lots of food for us all to eat: fried deer, ham, deer stew, chicken, potato salad, beans, lots of deserts, and probably a lot of stuff I am forgetting. It was great.Just finished watching all of the extras in Serenity- great as expected. Now I will have to see the Firefly extras. Looking at getting a new gun- Walther PPK or Walther PPK/S. I need a smaller gun thats easier to carry. My .40 is just to big to keep concealed easy. I am a huge Bond fan, thus the PPK was a obvious choice. His was a stock .32 PPK. I want the .380 (I think its the same as the 9mm) due to it being larger than .32.Problem is, I want to be as authentic as possible which means I should go with the PPK. But it only holds 6 in the magazine while the PPK/S holds 7. I want the largest capacity possible but not sure if I should trade off authenticity. Perplexing. The PPK/S also have more cooler options for coloring, one thats a cross for the shiny I like and the dark color for concealment. Hopefully I can see at least one model when I go to Mobile Shooting Center if I go tomorrow and it will help me make a decision.If anyone has suggestions let me know. Till next time...