Tuesday, January 24, 2006

First Meeting

Well I went to the my first meeting of ACM. It was intersting. I know that a lot of things have changed lately and thus the chaos. I do think that there should be a limit on the number of words certian people can say. And if those people are saying stupid stuff that to me seemed to go agaist certain aspects of the meetings, they can be hushed by any means necessary. I will be glad when they get some good officers in, namely Kisea. Got my vote!

Ouside of that- on my desk this morning was a women's phone number wanting a website. I called her a few times before I got her. I have to meet her way over in Theodore at 10:30am on Friday to talk about it. Kinda annoys me that I have to drive all the way over there. While on the phone I got directions from her to the model home we are to meet at. I love how people give directions are Mach I speeds and expect people to write them down. Knowing this I get the address and try to Google it and MapQuest it. Neither place knew the address so now I have to call her again to get new messages.

Homework is also getting more. I had several things to do in Cryptology, finished up whats due in 518, putting off some homework in 527 till the weekend, and have to read the rest of a thesis and write a biography for it. But don't want to.

In other news, brought another over to the good side, Gmail. Jarred asked for an invite so now he is part of the Google force.

Well thats is about it for now. Till the next time we cross paths....


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